Alcohol and the Lung Alcohol Research: Current Reviews


Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Lungs

The first careful in vitro experiments that examined the effects of modest concentrations of alcohol on CBF in tracheal tissues were done in airway tissue from unanaesthetized sheep during fiberoptic bronchoscopy (Maurer and Liebman, 1988). These investigators found that CBF was stimulated by low concentrations of alcohol (0.01–0.1% or ≈ 2–20 mM), not changed by modest concentrations of alcohol (0.5–1.0% or ≈ 100–200 mM) and slowed at higher concentrations of alcohol (2% or ≈ 400 mM). This transient alcohol stimulation effect on cilia was recapitulated in vivo in alcohol-fed rats (Wyatt et al., 2004). In this model, 1 week of feeding 36% alcohol increased baseline CBF 40% over control animals and was comparable to stimulation with an exogenous beta agonist.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

But for a 20-something working in a high-pressure job that required a lot of socializing with clients, it was hard. “Above and beyond being diagnosed with a life-long illness at 22, I couldn’t do one of the things that allowed me to fit in with my peers, colleagues, and clients,” says Aswani-Omprakash, who is now 40. Friends, dates, and co-workers would sometimes look at her like she had “nine heads,” she says, when she wouldn’t order a drink. Tina Aswani-Omprakash vividly remembers the day that led her to give up drinking forever. 3In a prospective study, participants are identified and then followed forward in time. It’s important to remember there’s no reliable way to self-test if you’re sober enough to drive, even if you have a breathalyzer handy.

Can Heavy Drinking Cause a Heart Attack?

Within a treatment setting, patients will have access to a medical doctor who can oversee their alcohol-related health problems and propose effective treatment options. If you struggle with alcohol use, or know someone that does, it can be important to recognize the warning signs of the ‘alcoholic lung.’ The most common lung conditions linked to alcohol use are detailed below. If you’re a heavy drinker, you should talk with your healthcare provider before stopping entirely, since stopping suddenly without medical supervision can be dangerous. Talk with your healthcare provider about all medicines you’re taking and whether they’re safe. The Association receives funding primarily from individuals; foundations and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make donations and fund specific Association programs and events.

Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Lungs

Alcohol and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Clinicians and physiologists commonly believe that the alcohol present in exhaled air during alcohol consumption comes from alcohol that is vaporized from the alveolar-capillary interface of the pulmonary circulation. Careful studies by George and colleagues show that almost all of the exhaled alcohol is derived from the bronchial and not the pulmonary circulation (George et al., 1996). During alcohol ingestion, alcohol freely diffuses from the bronchial circulation directly through the ciliated epithelium where it vaporizes as it moves into the conducting airways (George et al., 1996). Indeed, alcohol vapor excreted into the airways in this manner forms the basis of the breath test used to estimate blood alcohol levels (Hlastala, 1998). Moreover, vaporized alcohol can deposit back into the airway lining fluid to be released again into the airways during exhalation.

While the mechanisms of alcohol-driven cilia stimulation and AICD are known to involve dysregulation of key cilia kinases and phosphatases that regulate motility, the upstream triggers of these post-translational processes are unknown. One mechanism may be through post-translational modifications in key kinases and phosphatases that regulate the effects of alcohol on airway ciliary control. Specifically, studies have focused on alcohol’s ability to modulate phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation of target molecular regulatory pathways in airway cilia, thereby providing insight into the differential effects of brief versus prolonged alcohol exposure on the ciliated airway epithelium. The interaction between the intestinal microbiome and the liver is known as the gut-liver axis and is thought to regulate a myriad of human diseases (Compare et al., 2012; Seo & Shah, 2012; Szabo & Bala, 2010; Tabibian, O’Hara, & Larusso, 2012; Volta, Caio, Tovoli, & De Giorgio, 2013). Because alcohol can increase post-burn intestinal damage while simultaneously augmenting the hepatic IL-6 response to intestine-derived LPS (M. M. Chen et al., 2014), the gut-liver axis may play an especially prominent role in how alcohol drives post-burn pulmonary inflammation.

Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Lungs

Your liver detoxifies and removes alcohol from your blood through a process known as oxidation. When your liver finishes that process, alcohol gets turned into water and carbon dioxide. A standard U.S. serving of alcohol is defined as 14 grams (0.6 fluid ounces) of pure ethyl alcohol.

The recognition that excessive chronic alcohol ingestion has such a dramatic and independent effect on the risk of acute lung injury prompted a search for the underlying mechanisms. Because one of the cardinal features of ARDS is disruption of the alveolar epithelial barrier that regulates the fluid content of the airspace, this was a logical target for investigation. Maintaining the fluid balance of the alveolar space is critical for normal gas exchange.

Researchers and clinicians are just beginning to scratch the surface of this challenging problem, but the rapid pace of experimental and clinical research in the past two decades offers hope that in the relatively near future the devastating effects of AUD on lung health can be ameliorated. Overall, these alterations in host defense and immune dysfunction explain how chronic excessive alcohol ingestion predisposes to pulmonary infection. It is important to realize, however, that the effects of alcohol on alveolar macrophage innate immune function are just one facet of the complex pathophysiology of alcohol and the lung’s immune system. Alcohol also impairs neutrophil migration to the infected lung, and abnormalities in this and other components of the adaptive immune response clearly are involved but are beyond the scope of this brief review. The potential influence of alcohol consumption on airway health and disease has been documented for a long time. Chronic alcohol ingestion constantly subjects the drinker’s airways to high concentrations of alcohol vapor, as best evidenced by the use of alcohol breath tests (i.e., Breathalyzer).

The role alcohol may play in the pathobiology of airway mucus, bronchial blood flow, airway smooth muscle regulation and the interaction with other airway exposure agents, such as cigarette smoke, represent opportunities for future investigation. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that chronic alcohol ingestion induces an oxidized microenvironment within the lung that subsequently induces AM derangements, as manifested in an impaired capacity to phagocytose and clear bacteria from the alveolar space. Alcohol stimulates oxidative stress through multiple, and potentially interactive, mechanisms including oxidation of the GSH/GSSG redox status, decreased intracellular zinc, attenuated Nrf2, diminished GM-CSFRβ, depleted PPARγ, enhanced Noxes, and increased TGFβ1. Therefore, strategies to reverse any of these mechanisms for alcohol-induced exaggerated oxidative stress in the AM may improve lung immune function and susceptibility to developing respiratory infections in patients with a history of AUDs.

While this study was small, it demonstrated the modest bronchodilator properties of IV ethanol. The stimulation of ciliary motility by biologically relevant concentrations of alcohol was surprising since higher ciliary motility should enhance mucociliary clearance and did not fit with the conventional wisdom that lung clearance is impaired in heavy drinkers. The consequence of prolonged exposure to alcohol was desensitization of the mucociliary apparatus, meaning that cilia could no longer be stimulated during stress, such as following aspiration of bacteria. This hypothesis better fit the notion that airway mucociliary clearance is impaired in chronic drinkers. Whether these mechanisms were operative in vivo required studies of cilia in animals.

  1. Recent research cites alcoholic lung disease as comparable to liver disease in alcohol-related mortality.[1] Alcoholics have a higher risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and experience higher rates of mortality from ARDS when compared to non-alcoholics.
  2. In 1789, Dr. Benjamin Rush, the first surgeon general of the United States, observed that individuals with an affinity for alcohol had a higher incidence of pneumonia and tuberculosis (Rush, 1808).
  3. Another potential therapeutic target is Nrf2, which can be activated by plant-derived compounds (i.e., phytochemicals), such as sulforaphane (Hybertson et al. 2011; Jensen et al. 2013).
  4. These phagocytic cells ingest and clear inhaled microbes and foreign particles from the lungs.
  5. This point was made in a small but elegant study by Breslin in 1973 of eleven subjects with asthma who reported worsening of their asthma symptoms following the ingestion of an alcoholic beverage (Breslin et al., 1973).

According to the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, people with alcohol dependence are three times more likely to be smokers than the average population. That makes understanding the relationship between drinking, smoking, and COPD hard to pin down. Some studies suggest that moderate alcohol use may be linked to a lower risk of COPD.

Acute lung injury involves the rapid development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, and patients with impaired alveolar epithelial fluid clearance are three times more likely to die from ARDS than patients with a maximal ability to clear lung fluid (Ware and Matthay 2001). Although the fluid balance in the lungs is regulated by the concerted actions of both epithelial and endothelial barriers (Mehta et al. 2004), it is the alveolar epithelium which primarily prevents protein and fluid flow into airspaces (Mutlu and Sznajder 2005). A pathological hallmark of ARDS is heterogeneous damage of the alveolar epithelium, with complete loss of the epithelial surface in some areas, whereas other alveoli remain relatively intact.

A 2018 study in the Journal Thoracic Disease further reported that around one in eight people requiring lung cancer surgery has AUD, a condition that almost invariably leads to serious health complications. As such, alcohol may trigger AUD in people with a predisposition for the disease and, in turn, promote the progression of lung cancer along the same genetic pathways. Even so, having these genetic variants neither means you will get lung cancer nor develop alcoholism; the relationship is not so straightforward. It is only in the presence of AUD that the risk of lung cancer appears to increase. What this suggests is that alcohol may contribute to the development of lung cancer independently, most presumably in people with a genetic predisposition for the disease. Many people who are successful ex-smokers or ex-drinkers had to try several times before they were able to quit in the long term.

Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Your Lungs

Changes in airflow were measured following the ingestion of different concentrations of pure ethanol (diluted in water) in 5 normal subjects and 5 patients with asthma (Ayres et al., 1982). Two of the normal subjects and 3 of the asthmatic patients had a slight decrease in specific airways conductance with 20% alcohol within 5 minutes of quickly swallowing the whole drink. Higher concentrations of alcohol (60%), when sipped slowly over 5 minutes, resulted in significant increases in airway conductance in 4 of 5 of the asthmatics.

RSV infection itself causes a significant loss of ciliated cells from the airway epithelium and the remaining cilia beat more slowly compared with control cells from uninfected epithelia (Slager et al. 2006). This ciliary slowing is regulated by the activation of another signaling protein called protein kinase Cε (PKCε); moreover, once PKCε becomes inactivated again, the ciliated cells detach from the epithelium (Slager et al. 2006). It is unknown how concurrent alcohol exposure impacts these consequences of RSV infection. In summary, these studies demonstrate that alcohol exposure compromises innate defenses against viral pathogens such as RSV in part by disrupting airway ciliary function.

Alcohol can cause both short-term effects, such as lowered inhibitions, and long-term effects, including a weakened immune system. By Lynne Eldridge, MD Lynne Eldrige, MD, is a lung cancer physician, patient advocate, and award-winning author of “Avoiding Cancer One Day at a Time.” What this suggests is that having a genetic predisposition for AUD may predispose you to lung cancer as well. Unlike some carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, alcohol is thought to promote the growth of an existing tumor rather than initiate the onset of cancer.

Another fundamental mechanism that appears to drive many of the pathophysiological manifestations of the alcoholic lung phenotype is a severe depletion of glutathione stores within the alveolar space. Glutathione is the primary thiol antioxidant found in the alveoli; it serves an essential function in reactions catalyzed by the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which clears harmful hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxides that readily form in the oxidizing environment of the lung. In both experimental animal models and humans, chronic alcohol ingestion causes a profound decrease of up to 80 percent to 90 percent in alveolar glutathione levels (Holguin et al. 1998; Moss et al. 2000). Further analyses in experimental models found that alcohol-induced glutathione depletion seems to mediate the defects in alveolar epithelial barrier function. In addition to neutrophil recruitment to infected areas and reduced neutrophil-killing potential, production of these cells also is affected. In healthy individuals, the bone marrow produces approximately 120 billion neutrophils per day (Cartwright et al. 1964; von Vietinghoff and Ley 2008).